Séminaire n°51
Intervenant :
Efren Fernandez-Grande, Acoustic Technology group, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark
Contact : efg(at))elektro.dtu.dk
Date : 17/12/2015 à 14h30
Abstract :
Acoustic imaging methods are useful in order to localize sound sources, examine how these radiate sound,
characterize the acoustic properties of materials, and analyze complex sound fields. These methods
typically rely on measurements with an array of microphones in order to characterize the spatio-temporal
properties of the sound field under study. This talk has an emphasis on sparsity promoting methods based
on Compressive Sensing (CS), which constitutes an interesting alternative to classical least-squares
approaches. We will discuss applications where these techniques can be useful, such as spherical array
processing, near-field acoustic holography, source localization, and sound field visualization in enclosures.